
Re enactment Criteria Guide

1.What event of scene had the most action?
     The event that had the most action was Dunstan’s illusion which was the last chapter of the novel. Dunstan finally told the truth to Paul that he had hid in his heart many years ago. His granite paperweight was actually the stone from inside the snowball which Percy threw as a boy, the very snowball which led to the downfall of the Dempster family. I think this event had the most action in the novel because Dunstan threw the stone from his heart that he had deeply hidden for Boy. Now he is doing the thing that he will never done in real life, telling the truth to Paul, Boy was the one who threw the snowball to Mary. This showed the most action in the book.

2.What event made you laugh?

      The event that made me laugh was when Mr.Dempster found out Dunstan taught Paul about magic and told the stories of saint. One day Paul used the money on the table to play the tricks and Mr.Dempster thought that was an evil thing. So he told Dunstan never come to his house again, but Dunstan came to his house when he was at work and he told Mary everything that happened on the outside, since she was locked in the house by Mr. Dempster. I think is funny because Mr.Dempster never thought Dunstan would come to his house again and continue teaching Paul magic and telling the stories of saint.

3. What event gave you a lump in your throat?

       The event that gives me a lump in my throat was the death of Leola. Leola is a very beautiful woman who was Dunstan’s love but actually Dunstan never loved her. After Dunstan left the village, Leola married Boy. She thought Boy really loved her, but as Boy became a successful business man, he started not going home and treated her like an animal not as a human. Simply because she is not intelligent which can’t help him in the business, she was just a beautiful woman that he can bring out. When Dunstan returned to the village, Leola told everything to him because she thought Dunstan still loved her. Until she died, she did not realized that Dunstan and Boy had never really loved her. That is makes me feel sad about Leola’s life because I feel that she is living in an illusion that two men loved her.

4. What event shocked or surprised you?

    The event that shocked me the most was when Dunstan rejected the marriage of Diana. Dunstan was injured in the battle of Ypres and he was unconscious for a few months in a hospital in England. Dunstan was immediately attracted to the pretty nurse, Diana, who took care of him of his wounds. Diana renamed him Dunstan, after the saint, because she thought they had a lot in common. Both Dunstan Ramsay and St. Dunstan share a love for learning, and the disciplined ability to resist temptation. Dunstan resisted temptation by not marrying the lovely Diana. Although he loves her and will remember her to the end of his days, Dunstan was afraid that she, like his mother, will smother him with her love. That surprised me as Dunstan loved her, but he cannot face the thought that Diana had very similar traits that reminded him of his mother and so in the end they become friends instead.

5.What event do you select to write a poem for?  
   The event I select to write a poem for is when Dunstan rejects the mirage of Diana. A love poem is easy to write about and that can show the relationship between Dunstan and Diana. I will talk about how they love each other but they cannot be lovers.

6. write the poem

So Sorry that I Love You

I’m sorry that I love you

But cannot be with you

I’m sorry for all the times

That your tears fell

But I wasn’t able to wipe them away

I’m sorry for all the things you’ve done for me

But I cannot do anything for you

I apologize for the sadness you’ve endured

Even though I knew how much you longed for happiness

However, in the end, I feel that

It’s best that we stay friends

For I am not worthy to be your lover

I hope you will find someone

Who will give you the world

Because you deserve all the happiness in life

I will always remember you

And your kindness

I’m sorry that I love you

But cannot be with you  

